Noreen Khan is the Director of NEESIE, a Community Interest Company.
Noreen has a strong passion for developing communities and building resilience in all spheres of community life. She is a well-travelled professional and has worked in all areas of cross cultural and transformational development for multi-national corporations, businesses and communities throughout the world. She is a professional compere and public speaker and formally a presenter on Television and Radio.
NEESIE is a grassroots organisation that provides a platform for Single Mothers and their children to grow independently and better their lives. Neesie facilitates prosperity through dedicated support mechanisms in collaboration and partnership with local communities, schools and public and private sector organisations. It connects with individuals from a broad spectrum of society and from diverse backgrounds. Neesie has been striving to be a catalyst for change and advocating for the Human Rights and Freedom of Choice for Single Mothers primarily as well as lone parents on a national and political agenda.
Single Mums and lone parents are some of the most vulnerable members of our society and at further risk of alienation, poverty, homelessness and destitution. The Welfare reform changes to Tax credits and Universal credit risk increasing the poverty gap and creating an imbroglio situation for Single parents who will find themselves in a constant state of forlorn emotional calamity.
Therefore, Neesie looks towards developing innovative and creative interventions ruminating towards longevity and long term sustainable impacts. Neesie are committed to developing and tailoring solutions for individuals throughout the Bradford District, however their boundaries are not limited, hence working nationally and internationally across four continents through mutual partnership working.
NEESIEs’ ultimate aim is to build capacity among single mothers to ensure their full and active participation in society. This is done through Reassurance of understandings and empathy of situations; Development through tailored interventions; and Progress within society, moving towards engagement and social integration and develop a strong foundation that encourages resilient communities.