In the Media

June 2024

ASPN wrote a blog for Amicable (legal service for divorcing and separating couples) on the tradition and modern challenges of dowries.

May 2024

ASPN wrote a blog for Amicable (legal service for divorcing and separating couples) on divorce stigma in South Asian communities.

April 2024

February 2024

February 2024

BBC Article

February 2024

Our Founder and members were interviewed by the BBC about single parenting in the South Asian community, the stigma and other challenges they face (video).

August 2023

Our Founder, Aruna, shared her story for South Asian Heritage Month on their website, in celebration of this year’s theme ‘Stories to Tell’.

July 2023

Our Founder, Aruna, was invited by The Open University to write an article and participate in a discussion for South Asian Heritage Month.

July 2023

Aruna wrote a guest post for One Parent Families Scotland about her experience as a single parent and what led her to setting up ASPN.

May 2023

ASPN member, Vikas, was interviewed by Jazz Bahia from the BBC Asian Network on the topic of child safety online.

March 2023

Our Founder, Aruna, was interviewed by BBC radio about the Asian Single Parents Network.

October 2022

Our Founder, Aruna, and the Asian Single Parents Network were featured on the Asian Women Mean Business blog.

September 2022

ASPN member, Sonia Gupta, was featured in the Mirror and the Eastern Eye, discussing why she decided to throw a divorce party.

May 2022

ASPN Founder, Aruna’s personal story and the story of creating the Asian Single Parents Network was covered by MyLondon.

December 2021

Asian Single Parents Network was featured in the winter issue of Single Mums Business Network magazine.

November 2021

With single Desi parents becoming more common, DESI Blitz looks at the experiences and challenges of South Asian Parents.

November 2021

Single parent families are a key part of modern British life. DESI Blitz explores the experiences of British Desis raised by single parents. Asian Single Parents Network is mentioned.

March 2021

Asian Single Parents Network participated in The Big Single Parent Day Event 2021 which was a collaborative free webinar to help single parents throughout the UK.

March 2021

Founder, Aruna, was part of a panel discussion for ITV on the pension pots for single mothers.

February 2021

Our Network was mentioned on the front page of Eastern Eye with two of our members! We spoke about homeschooling and the pressures of being single parents.

November 2020

Our Founder, Aruna Bansal, was interviewed by Eastern Eye about setting up the Asian Single Parents Network.

March 2021

Our Founder, Aruna, and the Asian Single Parents Network were featured in Wimmio magazine.

July 2020

Interview with Kaye Adams of BBC Radio Scotland discussing Asian Single Parents and the stigma in the Asian community.

March 2021

BBC South East report on the Asian Single Parents Network and stigma around being a single parent in the Asian community.

July 2020

BBC article on the increase in demand for Asian Single Parents online meets.

July 2020

BBC Asian Radio report on the Asian Single Parents Network, and interviews with the founder, Aruna Bansal, and members.