Expert Q&As

Always very popular, we hold Q&As with experts who provide services that are beneficial to our parents, such as family lawyers, finance and parenting experts etc.

Jodie Phelps, Financial Advisor, on Finances and Saving, December 2023

Amit Kalley, Family Communication Coach on Online Safety, May 2023

Marcie Shaoul, Co-Parent Coach on Co-parenting, April 2023 

Michelle Counley, Senior Consultant on Child Maintenance, March 2023

Elizabeth Parkes, Service Manager at Support Through Court, January 2023

Manjit Kaur, The Mortgage Expert on Mortgages, November 2022

Sushma Kotecha, Mediator and Coach on Family Mediation, February 2022

Private Q&As

The Q&A videos below are private and only available in the Members’ Area. To view the videos you need have a membership and an account on our website. Click the button below to view instructions on how to register.

Michael Hayes, Family Barrister on Pensions, February 2023

Camilla Khawaja, Accredited Direct Access Barrister, November 2022

Russell Bahar’s experience when he was a single father, October 2022

Asha Berzon, Clinical Hypnotherapist on Emotional Eating, October 2022

Dr Supriya McKenna on Narcissistic Relationships, September 2022

Lena Patel, Financial Planner on the cost of living crisis, August 2022

Sonia Limbada, Divorce Coach on guilt, shame and judgement, July 2022

Aysha Choudhary, Family Lawyer on Finances, December 2021