ASPN’s 13th Anniversary – Reintroduction

Wednesday 11th September marked our 13th anniversary and we thought it would be a good time to reintroduce ourselves!
We’re excited to share more about our Network with both new and existing members:
⭐ When our founder, Aruna Bansal, became a single mum, there was little support for single parents, and nothing for South Asians
⭐ Asian Single Parents Network started on the social networking site Meetup in 2011 and has since grown into a Community Interest Company!
⭐ Aruna wanted to help others from her community who might be going through something similar after everything she went through (Her story can be found here: About Us)
⭐ ASPN is a unique community which offers a safe space and social, emotional and practical support in order to build confidence and prevent isolation
⭐ According to our research, we’re the first support network for both single mums and dads across the UK for the South Asian community!
⭐ There are other single parent organisations out there, but the reason it’s important to have one specific for South Asians is because of the cultural differences and the stigma attached to being divorced and a single parent in this community
⭐ We offer support to all single parents, whether separated, widowed, divorced, single by choice, those who have gone down the IVF route or living apart
⭐ We’ve arranged 100s meets over the years, bringing together South Asian single parents and their children. After the pandemic, we started holding a mix of both in-person and virtual
⭐ We offer sessions such as Q&As with experts, wellbeing events, parents’ catch-ups and 1-2-1s with a divorce consultant in certain locations thanks to funding
⭐ Our Network is all about helping to break the stigma of single parenthood in the South Asian community and raising awareness that support is available
⭐ We’ve been featured in various media such as BBC, ITV, Eastern Eye and Desi Blitz
Follow us on social media here: