Member Query – Childcare During School Holidays

Members sometimes reach out to the Network with queries on various topics. They can receive a combination of responses as other members offer their suggestions and so does ASPN which may include general advice or links to resources.
Our latest query revolves around managing childcare during school holidays:
“For single parents who work and don’t have family support, any ideas of how to approach school holidays? How do they manage childcare, or do they work from home with the child around, or do they take extra unpaid leave from work, or any other ideas?
My child is 2yo and I’ll likely go back to work once he turns 3yo. My work is office based and so it would be split between office and working from home.”
Disclaimer: Please note that this is not legal advice, but responses are based on the experiences of some of our members.
Member 1
What’s the agreement with your ex? Would they not have any time over holidays?
I worked term time and my wages were average out over the year so I didn’t miss out. It may be better option than unpaid leave. Your employer should be family flexible.
Nursery for little one? Don’t know what the regs are but you can get some free childcare I believe from age 3?
Do you have any close trusted friends that you can share with?
Good luck x
Member 2
There lots of private nurseries who can accommodate or can be childminder.
Member 3
Most organisations wouldn’t allow parents to be working with kids, esp for prolonged periods of time. I’ve occasionally done it once or twice adhoc ie when child unwell but it’s so hard because then I’m not looking after child properly and not working properly. Esp for that age child, I doubt any organisation would allow you to work and have child for a week or more. It’s a difficult one as it would mean more nursery hours (my nursery is 52 weeks of year so I don’t have this issue yet). When he goes to school I’ll have no choice but to pay for clubs etc. Some organisations may offer you term time hours but then that’s a hit on income.
Member 4
I have no work from home option so I regularly use local holiday clubs and there are plenty. In summer holidays I sent her to a “stop motion animation” workshop for a week at a local cinema. Then for an arts, drama and singing workshop for 2 weeks which she enjoyed too and wants to do it again. In the past I have sent her to other holiday clubs. There are so many options to be honest but many are expensive too so you have to pick and choose between what your child likes and what you can afford.
I drop her to the workshop, rush to work, take less lunch break than usual and pick her up after work. It’s touch and go but somehow I have managed it and manager has been understanding so that helps too.
Unpaid leave no option with current cost of living crisis 😔
Member 5
You need to pick what works for your child’s life stage and your work profile (and relationship with manager)
My default is holiday camps and a combination of my leaves. Imo, at a younger age, the school /nursery camps are best as they offer familiarity for you and the child. Also helps with giving the child (and you) a group that’s always at camp, for when you get that question of why must you work 🫣
Only this year did the external camps start seeming worth it, but they usually have shorter hours, so they may not always be practical.
Member 6
When your child is younger, camps that run within your school and nursery are best and a lot of them offer early start and late finish and a safe familiar environment – I have always worked full time and used these when my son was younger. As they get older, I would say 8/9+, then explore external and what they enjoy like football / activity etc there are loads of options. Also found it always useful to have a few local contacts to pick my child up or drop if I have early start or running late. There are child minders as well, Ofsted approved. Once you start exploring London, it is very good for child care. Hope that helps.
Member 7
Holiday clubs but I don’t know if they take children as young as 3.