Member Query – Holiday Permission

Members sometimes reach out to the Network with queries on various topics. They can receive a combination of responses as other members offer their suggestions and so does ASPN which may include general advice or links to resources.
Our latest query revolves around the issue of permission when taking children on holiday abroad:
“I want to take my kids on holiday to Dubai but there is no contact with the father so I can’t get his written permission. I don’t have a child arrangement order or anything. Can I still take them or will customs perform checks in anyone’s experience?”
Disclaimer: Please note that this is not legal advice, but responses are based on the experiences of some of our members.
Member 1
Hi Aruna,
I would advise her to seek a court order to be on the safe side.
The court will attempt to contact him, and if he does not attend, the court will make an order in his absence.
She could then take this with her along with proof of parental responsibility (birth certificate) on holiday. She can request an urgent hearing if the holiday is imminent.
Of course, she might not be stopped, but I wouldn’t risk it, especially for a non-Hague country.
Member 2
Get a form signed by your lawyer stating no contact with the other party and take it with you for holiday. There is usually a generic form online . Unless the other party knows and is narcissistic and tries to stop the child at the airport stating you are abducting the child without his consent .
Sometimes the airlines ask for the consent of both parents – Air India especially.
Best wishes
Member 3
Should be fine, I’ve been Dubai on my own with my daughter and they don’t ask for anything and just in case, I make sure to carry her birth certificate, so would advise you have their birth certificates with you. Especially if your surname is different to the kids.
Member 4
I took my kids for 2 and a half weeks.
If he still has parental responsibility then you can inform him.
Member 5
I have been single for 5.5 years now and haven’t asked my ex for permission when travelling with my daughter and he hasn’t ever asked me either. No one has ever stopped us to check. However I have kept my married surname so maybe that makes a difference too
Member 6
Legally, depends on if you have anything written in the contact order.
If you have written permission for holidays then it’s fine.
If not, UAE is super awkward and you need written permission.
In practical terms, it’s about the surname as that’s what they’ll notice (I kept my marital surname in my passport to make things easier).
Member 7
I haven’t been to Dubai but when I went to Europe (3 times), I wasn’t asked anything. I don’t have any court order either and didn’t have written permission, I just did it. No issues but obviously it may vary in other places.
You can hear what Marc Etherington, Family Lawyer says about taking children on holiday abroad and permission on Instagram.