Member Query – MIAM

Members sometimes reach out to the Network with queries on various topics. They can receive a combination of responses as other members offer their suggestions and so does ASPN which may include general advice or links to resources.
“Would it be possible to ask members for any tips on 1st MIAM Appointment? Anything to stress?”
Our latest member query is focused on MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting). See the helpful replies from our members:
Disclaimer: Please note that this is not legal advice, but responses are based on the experiences of some of our members.
Member 1:
No nothing to stress but use it as an opportunity to raise what you would like to achieve with mediation and your concerns. For example, if there has been DV and you do not feel comfortable to be face to face ask them about shuttle mediation. The intention is for the mediator to assess whether your case is suitable for mediation in the first instance. The other party will not be present
Member 2:
Nothing to stress. Just tell your side of the story completely and with background in as much detail as possible. Also tell the outcomes you wish to achieve from the MIAM.
Member 3:
Nothing to stress, go with specific questions to make the most of the money you are paying otherwise you will just get out with lots of generic information about the process.
Member 4:
Ask this person to book a 15 mins free discovery call with Sushma who will explain what a MIAM is. It’s basically a formality to know what mediation is all about and to set the expectations and understand the mediation process – Holistic Family Mediation
Member 5:
If you are a victim of domestic abuse, don’t do MIAM
You can also hear from Marc Etherington, Family Lawyer and one of our directors, who has published a video addressing worries over attending a MIAM on Instagram.
Helpful resources:
The videos below from Direct Mediation Services and Slater and Gordon Lawyers provide an overview of what a MIAM is: